What is Nulled Theme & Plugin | What You Should Know About It

You might have heard about 'nulled' , if you are familiar about wordpress. Nulled is a term referred to removing license check from a software. Here , we are talking about themes and plugins , that is php scripts.

Nulled Theme is the premium theme which is modified in such a way so that it cannot check whether the license is genuine or not , or it may be modified in such a way that when it check its license , it will always return true , so the theme license is genuine and users can use it premium features. Same concept is applied to Nulled Plugin.

Is Using Nulled Scripts Is Legal ?

Well , the answer is NO. You are not allowed to use the copyrighted material which is modified by someone without their proper permission.

Reasons Why Not To Use Nulled Scripts

Their are various valid reasons due to which you must not use nulled scipts.

  • > Nulled Scripts Make Website Load Slow

Using Nulled scripts , sometimes makes your site load slow as the person who has nulled the scripts might have inserted some codes to intentional load you site slow

  • > Nulled Script Can Make Your Site Load Other's Ads

Yes this is true. Sometimes the person who modified the theme to make it nulled might have added their own advertisement code like PopAds or Banner Ads. For majority of users , it is really hard to figure out which code is exactly responsible for such advertisement.

  • >  Nulled Script Can Remove You From Site's Administrator !

You might take this as very funny , but it is true. I have seen some scripts which contain encrypted codes which creates a new user and then make it as Admin. Later , this code remove all the current Administrator and moderators from their rank or permanently delete them! So , the person behind the nulled script has complete access to your website.

What To Do When Nulled Scripts Are Making Trouble ?

If you have recently installed any nulled plugin or theme , or you have doubt on any such scripts , then make sure to deactivate it. If you are facing issue in deactivating the plugin , then simply open your hosting's cpanel , and go to your wordpress's website folder. Now go to folder 'wp-content' and if the script is plugin , then open 'plugin' folder , and if the script is theme then open 'themes' folder and delete the folder on which you have doubt [ The folder insides themes and 'plugin's are named as their script name , like 'wordfence']

How To Convert Freemium Scripts into Nulled ?

Are You curious about how scripts are being Nulled :) ?. This is simple and complicated as well.

Requirements :

  • Original Script
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Coding experience
  • Time
Lets Start
  • Open Visual Studio Code, Goto Menu and choose 'Open Folder' Option
  • Choose The Folder In Which Script is present
  • Now , Search for keywords like [ premium , ispro, is_pro , upgrade , unlock ] or go through the codes which you feel that they are responsible for license ( This process is the main process , it will consume times , require coding and reversing codes experience. Sometimes it might ake few minutes , sometimes it may take hours. All depends on the scripts code and your experience.) 
  • Save the file
  • Done , Nulled Script Is Ready :)